Larry Crane - Thought Bubbles
My Buddy

FootPrints For Peace

International Coalition
For A Nuclear Free Future



Contact Larry


My Buddy

A shock of silver hovers over startelingly clear blue eyes. The eyes an eagle might have used in a previous time.

A bouncy energy radiating from a practiced strut, a singular long term purpose that brooks no interference. A fierce, weathered countenance belied by a hearty laugh and a ready smile.

He's seen the ups and downs, he has, but in his heart he remains true to an inborn, cultivated Faith that emanates out and touches those who circle through his life.

Iv'e always felt the need to help him, unconditional love that transcends this lifeline. We two ole battered warriors, though contentious at times, always finding our way , together, back to peace.

The Creator has blessed us with each other, and I don't even really know why. I suppose I will just accept the gift in gratitude and continue to appreciate my friend, my Buddy - til the day I die!!!!