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Y12 Sunday Evening
Prayer Vigil, 05/15/2005

Marcus, KA, Bilbo and Jim Returns!!!!

We truly felt as though we had come full circle now. We started the Stop the Bombs walk from here walked to the UN and 2 weeks later here we are again supporting the Sunday night prayer vigil. Now Ralph, Lisa, Sara Margaret, Emma and Shelly were in NY with us so for those who weren’t we talked a little about the walk and the meetings at the UN. We also talked about how important it was to us to have the support of everyone from OREPA.

Then we had some supplies left over from different fliers and they were put out on the blanket with some crayons and markers. Then we were asked to draw and glue and create a vision for the future. After we all shared with everyone else, there were pictures, poems and stories. Then we all went and shared a potluck dinner with everyone then back on the road again.

Bilbo Taylor
Jim Toren
"K A"
Kip Williams
Lissa McLeod
Marcus Atkinson
Ralph Hutchison
Shelley Wascom