Stop The Bombs International Peace Walk
Day 16 - Sunday March 27th, 2005
Wytheville Va To Pulaski VA


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     On the road again with a full belly, feels good as the day is looking daunting. The weather has turned bad and we have a 20 mile walk with a mountain to cross at the end. We are walking from Wytheville to Pulaski, to stay at the 1st Presbyterian Church of Pulaski Virginia.

   Even though the day was long and cold it turned out to be the best day walking yet. We walked at a good pace and confronted the elements as a unified force, spurring on through the day to the last break. We had the task of crossing a mountain into Pulaski and there was excitement as we started the 1.5 mile ascent. Sometimes the group creates its own energy and walks in a bubble, as if no obstacle is too great, this was one of those times. We easily and with joy crossed over and entered the Gothic like town, people were visiting relatives for Easter and many came out on their porches to wave.

   As we passed the local taxi stand, one man came out to watch and some of the walkers visited with him. He seemed genuinely moved at what we were doing and thanked us. The next morning he arrived in his taxi as we were about to start walking . He said he wished he had some money to give us, but instead gave us a beautiful letter he wrote. It seems that us arriving led to an epiphany of faith and understanding for him.

   He explained that he didn't know why he had to walk out and see us, but his God asked him to. That night he had a dream that was as important to him. He was visited by God and asked many questions of his creator. Creator said to him that we are here to caretake and look after the earth and not to destroy it. It was explained like this... "If you leave your house in the custody of your daughter, and you come back and your house is destroyed how would you feel? ... You would be upset and sad! It is the same for me, the house I gave you to look after is being destroyed and I am upset and sad at what you are doing." This is paraphrased and the feeling of the letter and the awakening this man had are really hard to describe. It left me with a good feeling... maybe we carried a good energy that helped him? Faith is a great motivator, and in an instant can transform a person, that is what I believe happend.

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