This Interfaith Pilgrimage was organized by a Japanese Nun from the Nipponsan Myohoji Buddhist Order, named Jun Yasuda.
The group embarked upon a three week walk (November 1 to November 23rd) from Hiroshima to Nara. Along the way, they prayed and slept at many of the shrines, temples and Peace Pagodas throughout Japan.
Once the Pilgrimage arrived in Nara, they spent two nights at the Tenrikyo Temple. From there they walked from Nara up to Mount Momomnataki to pray at a sacred waterfall. This was the place where Nichidatsu Fugi spent seven days praying and fasting and received his inspiration for the chant; NaMuMyoHoRenGeKyo.
The journey continued to the top of Momonataki where the Peace Pagoda was currently under construction. Two days were spent helping with the construction and participated in the inauguration of the Peace Pagoda by helping the elder Monks and Nuns up the mountain. This inauguration of the Peace Pagoda at Mount Momonataki marked the end of A Walk for a Peaceful Tomorrow. The walk officially ended in Osaka, at the Osaka Buddhist Temple.
Becky Stracener
Carrie Ede
Jun Yasuda (Jun San)
Minoru Yoshida
Naoki Yoshida
Seiya Nishi
Senji Shoni (Senji Kanaeda)
Shingo Nakano
Tyler Vega