Needham Interfaith Peace Initiative!

Navigation Bar Submit Feedback    I was reading a few of the Christian Science Monitor back issues yesterday and I came across an article in the January 9th, 2008 issue titled "FIVE YEARS AND COUNTING, PEACE VIGIL STANDS FIRM". If you Google "Needham Interfaith Peace Initiative" you can find a link to the article and read it for yourself.

   The article was written by Marilyn Gardner and I just want to relate to you my feelings about what is contained in the article.

   The peace initiative was started in 2002 and has been going strong ever since. The folks involved are what I would catagorize as PeaceMakers in the same sense as those found on this webs site. They stand vigil every Saturday on the Needham town common protesting the war in Iraq and the associated results such as torture, terrorism, threats to bomb Iran and similar actions conducted by our current government. This sounds just like the Friday evening vigil held by OREPA in front of the Y12 complex in Oak Ridge, TN.

   The leader of the initiavive is Sue Fleming and one of the things she states in the article is "There are a lot of groups out there. They've sprung up like mushrooms."

   Well she is absolutely correct! Never in the history of the world have peace organizations sprouted up all over the world! Never! The brave souls who stand on Needham Common are proof positive of this. Think of all the others such as "Women In Black", "Code Pink", "Veterans For Peace", "Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance", the list is endless. Just Google "peace" and see what you get!

   Mrs. Fleming closes the article by stating "A few people can make a difference and we intend to keep doing it."

   Well Hooray for Mrs. Fleming and all her supporters and fellow participants in their great cause. I would only like to tell her that there are more than just a few! There are millions of us around the would who are tired of war, terrorism, killing and maining and we will win in the end because all of us dedicated to bringing peace to our world "INTEND TO KEEP DOING IT!"

John Toren, Steward, Peacehq

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