Random Acts

Stand up for Gaza Rally - February 1st, 2008

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   I received the following email from IJPC:

   CAIR is organizing a Rally for Gaza: Friday, February 1st from 4:00 to 5:30, corner of Ludlow and Clifton CINCINNATI NEEDS TO KNOW THAT WE CANNOT STAND FOR THE INHUMANE TREATMENT OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE IN GAZA!

   Palestinians are suffering from the lack of every basic human need with no electricity, clean water, food and supplies!

   Call on Israel to end the seige! Can't make it to the rally? Contact your representatives!

   Well I thought it a worthy cause and check with my son, Jim Toren and my running buddy Jon Blickenstaff to see if they would want to go with me. Jim is laid up with a bad knee but Jon said he would meet me there iinstead of going to the Women in Black protest that takes place every Friday about the same time.

   This is what happened.

Never let it be said that FootPrints For Peace failed to show up at an important peace rally. Let this photo stand as proof!

The rally was a little short handed. This is the intersection of Clifton and Calhoun at 4:05pm February 1st, 2008 where the rally, though very small, still took place.

A closer view determined that there was no one present other than two humble FootPrints For Peace. It was bitter cold and there were some small ball like pieces of snow coming down but nothing get in our way when it comes to a piece rally.

After a half hour of rallying I decided that I could rally by myself just as good in my car and be a heck of a lot warmer.

   You can see the snow on the sidewalks as I crossed back over Ludlow to get at the side my car was on, maybe 2 10ths of a mile from Cifton and Ludlow.

While it may seem as if I took my participation lightly I assure you I did not. The prayer offered so long ago by my dear friend Erik Johnson echoed through my mind the whole time I was there and for hours later.

   "Not a single word, cry, smile, prayer, run, walk, kiss, embrace, vigil, or act of civil resistance offered out of love for peace is lost in the struggle for justice and the renewal of this sacred earth and space"

   These were Erik's words, good words, and I felt their grace today as strongly as I felt their grace so many years ago when he gave them to me.

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