Stop The Bombs International Peace Walk
Day 28 - Voices
Han Lin

     “I thought in my heart that I met wonderful people like you who effort to be peace for everyone around the world and everyone should have love each other so that we can get peace, we can live together in peaceful way. We everyone should set up peace activities like you did, so that our generation can get a chance to live peacefully forever.

   In our country Burma, the people are very friendly, very polite, very welcome when you visit Burma. They love peace too but they couldn’t have a chance to live in their own country, because of the brutal military dictator’s oppressing.

   That is why we have to fight to get freedom, peace and justice altogether. I hope from everyone activity to get bigger activity to get peace around the world.”

Unity in action.
My name is Han Lin.
You can read my article in the Ithica College
Quarterly Magazine’s website,

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