Stop The Bombs International Peace Walk
Day 43 Saturday April 23, 2005
Hamburg PA to Allentown PA


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     A misty, drippy, rainy, foggy morning to walk out into...but surprisingly refreshing after the heat wave of the past week or so. Many of us were reminded of scenes in Japan of walking through the rain with surrounding mountains shrouded in cloud and small streams rushing quickly by. It can be really nice walking in the cool rain, when it falls like a soft mist all around...until a couple of walking hours later and everything is wet, the rain sets in heavier and exhaustion sets in.

   After our second break and some had briefly snoozed off the fatigue, the clouds lifted ever so slightly and things started to brighten up. In all the excitement of possible warmth we took a wrong turn, Ray alerted us, running up from behind "You're going the WRONG WAY!" (oops!). We added an extra mile to the 19 we already had to walk for the day. In recent days I've really noticed that we don't get the number of cars tooting in support like we used to, many drivers will wave, but most will just drive by. And it seems that maybe there is an increase in not-so-friendly responses to us too? Yesterday we were moved on from our lunch spot with a threat to call the police. Apparently the peace flags were offensive.

   But each day we are touched by small and extraordinary actions, gestures and words of kindness and support, and today was no exception. A man stopped his car to ask Jeff who was flagging up front what we were all about. He expressed words of encouragement and drove off, only to turn around, drive back and hand Jeff a donation to the walk of $60. On one of our last breaks for the day we had stopped on a nice wide green spot on the side of the road. The family of the house just next door came out to meet us, bringing greatly appreciated water, and offering use of their 'outhouse' (a cute little outdoor toilet with a cut out moon on the door). And my personal favourite for the day was the (shh! don't tell the others!) donation of PIZZA Nat discovered at a local italian restaurant...we went back to rejoin the others with very cheezy (and vegan uncheezy!) grins...THANK YOU Marco!!

   Last night and today our numbers have suddenly exploded, joined by people from California, India (Japanese) and Israel (American) and there's more expected everyday until New York...It's getting very exciting...and the walk choir (that has been rehearsing heaps lately, often while walking!) got to perform its newest song tonight too.

Day 42
Day 44

Nuclear Time-Line

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