Peacehq Peacemaker
Contact Information


   If you wish to contact a Peacemaker you can do it one of three ways

Send your message to and be sure to include who you are trying to contact and your email address. It will only be sent to your Peacemaker.

   You can make an entry in the peacehq Guest Book. Again be sure to include the name of the Peacemaker you are trying to contact. The difference here is that your message will be entered into the Guest Book. Your email address will NOT be entered but will be forwarded to the Peacemaker if their current address is available. It will also be posted onto their profile so that the next time they view their profile they will see the latest entries.

   If you have a Peacemaker Profile you can find the available information by going to the peacehq group that is linked on your profile. The email information in under the Database link on the left hand side of the group page. It is a private moderated Yahoo group.

Click Back to return to your Peacemaker or Home to go to the Main Menu.

Peace and love to all - Stewards of peacehq.