Prisoners Of Conscience
The Run - Prisoner Followup

Since I had informed all the prisoners of the Run and I knew from experience that they were all hungry for meaningful letters and pictures I sent each one of them a followup letter and included some pictures. The following was the letter sent to each prisoner:

  Hi Toni:

I am following up on the Run For Freedom - Prisoners of Conscience. I am a little late in getting this out so please forgive me for this tardiness, I have a lot of mailings to finish.

We changed our run during the last week before it was to take place. We decided to run from the FPC in Lexington, where another SOA prisoner was being held, to the FCI in Manchester. It seemed appropriate for us to do this.

It was a highly spiritual Run for all of us and we intend to continue this Run each year for as long as it takes to close the SOA. Next year's Run, however, will be from a prison somewhere near Cincinnati to Columbus Georgia, arriving there for the SOA Watch protest. We intend to stop at each prison that has a Prisoner of Conscience in our path and hold a vigil.

Your name, as well as all the others we were able to identify, was on our running banner. It was indeed, a great honor for US to represent YOU. Our thanks for your kind words in your return letter.

As it turned out, we really accomplished quite a bit in terms of bringing about public awareness to the Prisoners of Conscience and rattled the cages of the BOP in Manchester where Erik Johnson reported to us that there were about 350 BOP employees on alert for our arrival. They blocked off the road from Thursday through Sunday and had an area roped off for us to be stored in when we arrived!

We pray that our spirits were felt by you and all the others on this Run day, your day. I would like to share the feelings of Jon Blickenstaff, one of your runners:

"I have to suck in my emotions as I read the heartfelt thanks from those prisoners of conscience. We are blessed and honored to have the run as a method of supporting our friends in prison. I really think it brings tangible sustenance to them. The energy we expend on the road is an offering of strength for them. They are stronger and more able to stay true to their convictions, the reason they are there in the first place, by our running."

   God's blessing to you and your loved ones our courageous friend.

Blessed are the Peacemakers.
A hug and much love          John and the Run For Freedom Runners

A smail address and email address were included. .
The pictures were put into an Excel document so if you have Excel installed on your computer you can view this document by clicking the link below. If not, I'm sorry.

Pictures Sent To Prisoners

Thanking The Runners

Previous - Aftermath

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