Day 1
Sunday, August 1st, 2004
As usual wake up call came before sunrise, and we awoke to a delicious breakfast of Che's baked oatmeal, sure to stick to our ribs for the trek of the day. We were to cover 68 miles today to Yatesville Lake State Park near Louisa, Ky. which meant each man would cover 10 miles, plus Jon Burkindine, who showed up to help us run the first day and would have to go home tonight, would cover 8 miles. The run would start at the Horseshoe Mound in a small park in downtown Portsmouth, so we all packed up and made our way to the park for the opening ceremony.
Compared to other ancient earthworks sites, the Horseshoe Mound Site was not as monumentally impressive as some we had visited, an outlook that was to be corrected shortly after our morning circle began. We 6 run/walkers gathered along with our hosts, Jim and Che, and were treated to a teaching about the history, significance, and power of this mound. It is situated in the Ohio river valley just due south of the gaseous diffusion plant, a nuclear fuel enrichment and processing facility. As the power began to build during the circle ceremony, the south facing end of the horseshoe shaped mound seemed to radiate a powerful beacon like positive energy, and I experienced chills and energy rushes several times, creating the image that this was the front line of defense for humanity and Mother Earth in the struggle to limit and finally remove nuclear power, weapons and their effects from the planet. It was fitting and proper that our modern effort began at this ancient Sacred and Holy site, and forged an alliance between our current ideals and prayers and the values and prayers of the ancestors who built and maintained these Sacred and Holy ceremonial sites. Perhaps with the synergy of modern and ancient Love the Creator has given us at least a chance for success!
We were also treated with the first of many performances of the song our young ally , Mark Webb had written about his experience from last years run. Since the Footprints for Peace staff had not yet arrived, we recieved a gift from our hosts of a willow staff from a burial protection shield decorated with a sky blue prayer tie that was a fragment of one hanging on the cottonwood tree at Pipestone Sundance this year. This was a most appreciated gift and topped off the hospitality that was poured out of the hearts of Jimmy - Two Bears - and Che Addington and their family, thank you and we won't forget! Next year we hope to all do the run together, and to bring many more runners/walkers with us. When it was time to start the miles of footprayers, Jon Blikenstaff got the honor of carrying the staff out on to the road. Before we had even crossed the Ohio river into Kentucky, we linked up with Jon Burkindine who joined us just for this first day, and his footprayers were greatly appreciated.
Jon Blickenstaff, John Toren, and Larry Crane were in the first car out, followed by Jon Burkindine and Terry Stagman
in the next car, with Jim Toren and Mark Webb completing the last miles from Jim's van. Everyone agreed that the first miles blitzed by because of the energy absorbed at the beginning circle. We all felt like we were just floating down the highway and it was easy to maintain our affirmations and prayers. Personally, I prayed for strength to meet my committment, for my allies also on the road, for my friends and family who couldn't be here, and then for the healing of the Earth and humanity from the damage done by nuclear power and weapons. Despite the heat, spirits were high and the miles seemed to go by fairly quickly, and soon Jon, John, and I were in a grocery in Ashland, Ky. picking up food for the nights dinner.
We made our camp at Yatesville Lake State Park, near Louisa, Ky. After showers and a well deserved supper, a tired crew settled down for some well earned rest. One glitch did occur today, somehow John Toren's wallet either got stolen or lost, and after dinner John and his son Jim went back to see if they could find the missing wallet and it's much needed contents. Alas it was not to be , but after the run was over, a kind hearted postman who found it on the side of the road, sent in back to John - sans contents. Off to sleep we went, so
Jim Toren
John Toren
Jon Blickenstaff
Jon Burkindine
Larry Crane
Mark Porter-Webb
Terry Stagman
Arrival In Portsmouth Oh
Day 2