
Prisoners Of Conscience Run - 2004

Arrival - October 1st, 2004

   Peace Hostel Lexington hosted its first overnight ever on the friday night before the 2004 Prisoner of Conscience Run. The out of towners came in at various times to spend the night in preparation for the run on saturday. The first to arrive was John "Mad Cow " Toren who had come down on friday morning to put some footprayers on the road in advance because 3 runners that were slated to participate had conflicts arise and had to cancel. Our prayers went out to those who couldn't be with us for this run. John started at the Federal prison in Lexington and I picked him up 14.6 miles down the road, a much needed headstart for the 6 runners who would run/walk on saturday. Next to come were Eric and Mauricio from the Knoxville area. Eric was a prisoner of conscience at the Manchester facility himself and his participation meant alot to the group. Last in was John's son Jim Toren who had to set up tents in the dark, but made it all right.

   After some food and drinks for all, we migrated to the back yard to get to know each other better and share insights and road tales. Since Eric and Mauricio hadn't as yet been "on the road" with our group the talk initially centered around the process of "crowhopping" that we use to get down the road and cover the miles. Jim shared that he had first learned (as did I ) the process from our native american friends who had sponsored many cross country running events. John and Larry talked about the concept of Footprayers, how that came about, and what it meant to us. As the hour got later and the tongues got looser, we shared many insights and laughter became the prevalent sound echoing from the backyard. At some point we all somewhat reluctantly headed for our respective resting places to prepare for tommorrow.



Erik Johnson
Jim Toren
John Toren
Jon Blickenstaff
Larry Crane
Maurizio Conti
