Larry Crane:
Riding out of Cincinnati, Ohio at the beginning of the 2004 Run for Freedom (with Dale Van Fleet, John Toren, and Larry Crane in the vehicle), we were getting the first runners out on the road. The usual coffee inspired good natured banter was going on with little thought for the occasion until Dale piped up with the statement "we shouldn't use any profanity today as it is a prayer day for Leonard". John responded, "you're right Dale we need to focus on the mission at hand! You have sobered me up, and I must get my thoughts in order, thank you." I reminded John that Dale had once again brought us back to what was real and important.
As we continued on in silence my mind wandered to the times Dale had served me as a friend and an ally in the past, and I was grateful for his friendship. He was what I thought of in my own heart as a spiritual ally, one of those mysterious blessings we recieve that we may not even deserve. In my nearly 60 years on the planet I have been blessed to have very few true spiritual allies. They are those special people who will always tell you the truth as they know it, give their best advice, and do their best to help you suceed on the spiritual journey. It was a fitting realization for the journey we were on that day, as all the people sharing the sweat and soreness sacrifice and the footprayers were my spiritual allies and a blessing brought on only by the Grace itself. It is good indeed to be reminded of the things in life to be thankful for!

John Toren:
I enjoy the runs and walks that I take part in and that sometimes makes it difficult to focus on the purpose for the run. But after I am dropped off for my miles and I am alone this purpose becomes very clear and focused. My thoughts and prayers begin with my fellow runners who I know are also running and walking their miles and I pray for their saftey. These prayers then turn to Leonard and remain weaving in and out of my mind during the rest of my journey. I believe Leonard is innocent and that he has been unjustly imprisoned. I pray that whatever pain I am suffering somehow diminishes his pain and that he hears my prayers. I am connected to him. I wish I could just trade places with him and let him feel the freedom of the run, the wind in his face, the beauty of Mother Earth, and the joy of our companionship. I know not whether Leonard will ever be free but at least I have the satisfaction of knowing that I did not sit back and do nothing. I ran. I ran for Leonard.