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Today we were joined by several peace activists from the Glasgow area as we walked out of the city on a pleasant, winding path through parks and along stream beds. As we emerged into the countryside, it was interesting to note a comparison with the Irish countryside we walked through. The difference is subtle, but Scotland seems a little more rough, with steeper hillsides, smaller fields, more vegetation. Still lots of sheep, some cattle, and we walked by lots of horses. The weather is the same, though.
Lots of clouds with short rain showers followed by sun and always windy. We are extremely far north, so the temperatures are colder for this time of year, though the climate here is tempered by warm ocean currents. Another thing about being this far north is the amount of sunlight this time of year. It stays light till ten in the evening, and we never did get up before sunrise so who knows what time that is, but around four am is a good guess. The only other notable event from today’s walk was going by a whiskey distillery guarded by geese. Wouldn’t want to stumble trying to steal a barrel of whiskey inside those fences!
We were greeted in the church social hall in Dumbarton by Reverend Kenneth and members of his congregation who treated us to a delicious meal after which several of them treated us with beautiful song.
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