After completing the pilgrimage from Atlanta GA to Columbus GA for the SOA protest in November I was talking to Ralph Hutchison from OREPA and he told me that sometime in January Steve Leeper from the Hiroshima Peace Cultural Foundation was going to be coming to Knoxville with a Hibakusha for what they were calling the A bomb exhibit. Usually the SOA protest is the last event that we have scheduled until around April or so. Now I we had something to look forward to in January.
Jon Blickenstaff and I arrived in Knoxville early in the evening and just in time to help Ralph, Sarah Margaret and Emma make sushi for tomarrow nights reception at the Unitarian Church that is hosting the Hiroshima poster exhibit.
Emma prepares shushi before you roll it up and cut it. Ralph and the girls thought it would be nice to serve Japanese food for our guest speaker Takashi Teramoto from Japan and his translator Natsuki Okita.
Ralph made Peace Cranes out of copper to give to the guest that have come to speak. Jon and I gave it a try and we made them but they were no where near as nice as Ralph's.
Steve Leeper is the first person that is not from Japan that has been appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation. We started in the morning at the Unitarian Church with a presentation with Steve talking about Mayors for Peace and introducing Takashi Teramoto, survivor of Hiroshima bombing.
Takashi Teramoto was 10 years old in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 when the United States destroyed the city with the first atomic bomb.
Teramoto is an official witness of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation. Hibakusha (survivors)bring to the world a unique perspective on the power of the bomb. They tell their stories in the hope of preventing further use of nuclear weapons of mass destruction.
After lunch we all went to the Friendship bell at Bissel Park in Oakridge
Close up of the Friendship bell at Bissel Park in Oak Ridge, TN.
Visiting the Friendship bell from left to right Steve Leeper, Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, Jon Blickenstaff, FootPrints for Peace and Takashi Teramoto, survivor of Hiroshima bombing
Everyone checking out the building that the Friendship bell hangs in.
Steve Leeper listens long after the Friendship Bell is rung because if you get close enough you can still hear and feel the vibration from it.
Natsuki Okita one of the translaters for Mr. Teramoto rings the friendship bell. Takashi Teramoto and Shigeko Uppuluri watch as she strikes the bell
Shigeko Uppuluri lives in Oak Ridge TN and was one of the main organizers for the friendship bell. If not for her hard work on the prodject it might not be there today.
This painting is the first thing you see once you enter the American Museum of Science and Energy. It is supposed to recognize scientist from the first recognized scientist to Einstein.
Ted Lollis from Knoxville and the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church talks to everyone about the pictures on the wall right before we enter the main exhibit area.
This is a small gaseous diffusion tank model outside of the American Museum of Science and Energy in Oak Ridge TN. Durring my recent visit there I found out that this is the model of the ones being stored at the Pikton Ohio Plant.
Out in front of the American Museum of Science and energy is this iron statue of the trade center as a memorial to the towers.
Every Sunday at 5:00pm OREPA has a Sunday night vigil in front of the Y12 plant. This Sunday they were joined by members of FootPrints for Peace, Steve Leeper of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, his wife Beth Natsuki Okita Outreach Division for the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Meseum and Takashi Teramoto, survivor of the Hiroshima bombing.
Libby and Erik Johnson at the Sunday night vigil at the Y12 plant in Oak Ridge TN. Every Sunday night rain or shine people gather there for local event announcements and to be one for peace in the world.
Ralph Hutcheson speaks to the group about the April 13th event being held be OREPA. And the up coming public hearing on the future of nuclear weapons being held at the New Hope Center at the gates of Y12 Kevin and Cindy Collins are in the background.
The guest from Japan and Atlanta at the Sunday night vigil at the Y12 Plant. From left to right Natsuki Okita Outreach Division Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Takashi Teramoto official witness of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation. Hibakusha (survivors), Beth and Steve Leeper Board of Director Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation
Rice balls were part of the feast made for the reception at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church.