This is about four years in a row for us to participate in this event and every year the weather is terrible! I always look at it this way. If I can sit in on a football game when it is sleeting, snowing and raining and I am totally miserable but still sit through it because my cousin is playing in the game then I can sure show up to let my feeling be known about the murderous activities going on in the world today and shout STOP IT!!
Jim Toren and Jon Blickenstaff stand in front of the International Peace Bell in Newport, Ky. This is common ground for a lot of peace activities and we started our walk to the rally in Cincinnati, Oh from this spot.
John Toren joins with Jon Blickenstaff at the International Peace Bell. Son Jim took this picture just before we started our walk to Cincinnati for the Human Rights day rally.
It was cold and raining a bit and our crowd was small due to the bad weather but those of us who made it did not let this inclement weather dampen our spirits. Jim Toren on the left and Jon Blickenstaff, middle, joined a lady who brought the sign. The big peace symbol has been on a lot of actions lately and one of the folks that joined us said that he saw it at the protest we were at in DC not to long ago.
Small but enthusiastic! We made a lot of noise in front of the Federal Building. The theme was to end the war and we let everyone in earshot know it!
Almost everyone that came had something to say. One of the speakers talked about the cost of the war in dollars. What a waste! I forget how many houses we could build for the homeless but it was immense! We can't feed our hungry but we can spend trillions to kill people who have done us no harm!
The longer we stayed the bigger our group got. Someone brought some songs to sing and others put on a play of sorts mocking those responsible, Bush, Cheney and the rest of the "quasi-nazis", for all the bloodshed in Iraq.
After our spirited get together we made our way back to the International Peace Bell. Jon Blickenstaff and Jim Toren are crossing back over the new bridge to Newport. It used to be the Broadway bridge but I don't know what they call it now.
Back at the Peace Bell for final prayers and then off to home. Wet and cold but happy that we came and put in our 2 cents worth for peace!