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Today was a 17 mile walking day. By day's end on our third walking day we had covered a total of 71 miles. It rained for most of the day and the weather was pretty cold but we made it ok. The picture on the left is from yesterday. When we started the walk we had a group of bicyclers that were called the Advanced Scouts and the pictures shows them with us on break. They were disbanded yesterday so now the Advanced Scouts, Gone But Not Forgotten.
Like we really needed more water! It was a beautiful lake but most of us would have rather been there when it was 80 degrees and sunny! Anyhow it was good to be at our over night stop. We were hosted by the Central Babtist Church in Bean Station Tennessee whose pastor, Allan Shupe, made us feel right at home. We would like to thank the good folks there for hosting us.
Day 5
Day 7
Nuclear Time-Line
Farewell "Norb"
Community Response