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Bucky Boon, a well known peace activist and organiser from this historic little town , had organised a rally at the courthouse to welcome the Peace Walk into town. 10 local activists, including members of the APEC (Appalacian Peace Education Centre) group and Quakers, arrived with the mayor and we held a small ceremony to meet each other and invite the Mayor to sign on to the Mayors for Peace Coalition.
Bucky showed us a cascade of origami cranes that he had been presented with when he had hosted a walk through Abingdon many years ago, their colourful wings still reaching out to carry the message of peace they were folded to carry. The rain, after holding off all day, began to fall as we walked through town and the last few miles to St John's Lutheran church . How wonderful to relax in the dry with hot tea as people began arriving with plates of goodies for a pot luck dinner!!
40 people came that evening to share stories and an amazing meal .
Atsushi Shimada, a 17 year old walker from Japan and Jeff McKenzie , one of the founders of Military Families Speak Out , spoke about what motivated them to join the Stop the Bombs Walk . Kip Williams, who lives in Knoxville and campaigns with
Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance, informed the gathering of
Y-12 activities (and thus
NPT violations ) and invited everyone to come to Oak Ridge to participate in the commemoration and protests on the 60th anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing (August 6th, 2005).
The community members were exceptionally generous, and many took walkers back to their houses to stay for the night, offering beds and showers and time away from the group (always appreciated after living together 24 / 7 !!).
Day 11
Day 13
Nuclear Time-Line
Post Cards
From Jeff McKenzie