Prisoners Of Conscience
The Run - Dedication

It goes without saying that this entire web site is dedicated to all the Peacemakers who are listed within it contents. It is also obvious that a fair portion of this site is dedicated to those we call Prisoners Of Conscience.

There are times however, when, as most of you Peacemakers know, I am overwhelmed by the spiritual and emotional intensity that occurs during our involvement in doing the things we do. This is one of those times.

I want to dedicate this Run segment not only to all of you I know and call Peacemakers and those who I know as Prisoners Of Conscience but a few others as well.

First and foremost my dear son James. You know him as Jim San. He has been an inspiration to me for a long, long time. He is always there when he is needed. Not just by me, mom and the rest of the family but as a lot of you know, anyone in need. In spite of me being a huge "pain in the arse" he has taken me on almost all the walks and runs he has been on over the last ten years and has looked out for my well being even though most of the time he has tried to hide it! He is a great organizer and worker for peace and justice and I am so very, very proud of him and love him so much it hurts. The following narratives are for Jim San.

It is hard to put into words the love I have for Jon Blickenstaff. Jon is the definition of all that is good in this world. He and I have shared some unbelievable emotional and spiritual times together and I cannot begin to describe them in words. Jon has seen the worst as well as the best in me and inspite of my human failures remained a friend to me and through his courage and determination continues to inspire me to work harder than ever for our common cause. These narratives are for Jon.

Terry Stagman has done a whole lot of things over the years that few people know about. One example of what I am talking about is the canoe trip Jim, Jamie and I did a few years ago. Terry tried like heck to find us and spent a lot of time driving up and down the river looking for us so he could lend a hand. Believe me it was hard. I know, I'd been doing it for the last 30 days! When he finally did find me, Jim and Jamie were on the last leg so at least Terry was there for the final ceremony. Just before we left the dock for home Terry handed Jim some money to help pay the expenses of this 30 day journey! One example of many because Terry has always been there when he was needed. These narratives are for Terry.

Curtis Gutter, Pumla Pamla, Jon Burkindine, Jules Hegge, all have been on many runs and walks and all have shared their spirits, courage and strength with me on these occasions. These narratives are for Curtis, Pumla, Jon and Jules.

Rachel Zerkel, her first run and I hope to see her on more. She joined in and did her miles. These narratives are for Rachel.

Libby Johnson, wife of Prisoner Of Conscience Erik Johnson. Her courage and support for her husband during this most difficult time was awesome! Her kindness and generosity to all of us who did this run was truly wondeful. These narratives are for Libby.

And finally my friends, Patrick Liteky and Erik Johnson who had the courage to say "NO!". These narratives are for Patrick and Erik.

Table Of Contents

