
Inter-Dependence Manifesto

   Inspiration is the pitch. Choose it now. This platform is entirely based on the logic of inspiraton and the belief that if you and I do that which inspires us, then we are doing all we can do for ourselves and our world. Inspiration is the sensation that supports and embody’s wholeness. Inspiration is the pitch. Choose it now.

   The Inter-Dependence Party is a group of groups and individuals committed to realizing national and world peace through politics. Peace is being content with this moment, a party is a group of people having fun. Politics is decision making for groups, and this platform is the answer to the questions: Who and what are we, What are we doing and why are we doing it, How and when will we do it, and Where? The first question has begun to be answered, the others will follow in suit.

   I am an individual of the Inter-Dependence Party, and I am content with this moment. I am making a choice in this moment to have peace in the next moment, as well as bring that peace to others in another moment. The way I know how to make that choice is the sensation of inspiration, and that “others” is you. As a member of the Inter-Dependence Party, my first mission is to spread peace in this moment and the next.

   The Inter-Dependence Party is largely defined by it’s missions: Uniting the people and government of this nation and creating and engaging in a healthy global community as a nation. The steps beyond this moment are many, including putting me in the seat of president. Love and Inspiration led me here . I was inspired, and I am inspired. I am inspired to move for president, and I am an inspired leader. I also screw up and fail sometimes, and I walk the path with integrity.

   The ideal president is the ears of the country. Not a decision-maker, but a facilitator of the 280 million person circle, creating and symbolizing unity between the government of the people. With ears on the people and integrity, the president must know when to veto, to know when to sign, and how to act as commander in chief. Just as my mind must listen to my body, so must a government listen to the people. This is all that’s necessary for health in either.

   My movement to president is the primary ongoing action being taken to achieve the goals of the Inter-Dependence Party. Beyond that, it’s whatever is going on in the present moment. In this moment, it’s you and me, reader and writer. In this moment, you are a part of my community. In this moment, you have a choice. The message of this platform boils down to a simple sentence: Choose what inspires you, for it will lead you to love. Love is the confirmation. What follows is an explanation of the road to and through this decision making process and a way to understand it as best I can express it.

   A nation is analogous to a human body, and this nation is analogous to my body. Both have needs, wants and fears, and both operate in the same ways. Likewise, the people and government of a nation are analogous to the body and mind of a human being. It is on this model of analogy that I have based this platform. It goes to follow that one who is able to effectively govern the self is fit to govern a nation. This is not done through rulership, but through listening. The mind that listens to the body is balanced and effective. The body that trusts the mind is in good hands. Else is else.

   The developed form of the analogy is based loosely on the human energetic system, known in the east as the Chakra system. For the purposes of this platform they are defined as Security, Creativity, Energy, Love, Communication, Balance and Inspiration. It follows logically that since every issue a human deals with can be found amidst the road map of the chakra system, so can the issues of a nation be found in a similar model. Some examples will be included in this document. For a complete list of political issues and their relationship to core issues, see that document. These issues are irrevocably intertwined each to one another, but there is a hierarchy which lies in the order they are presented and it’s opposite. The natural order places Security, or survival first with Inspiration last. This document proposes that Inspiration is the choice which satisfies all the others, including security. Interwoven amidst all this is the concept of choice, which relates to every moment, most profoundly this one. In this moment, both you and I are programmed above all else to make choices that preserve our life. This is the first core issue, security, or survival in it’s primal form..

   Security is the prime directive of all nations and individuals for a reason. Without it, life does not continue. All the core issues are built upon this concept. The primal form of creativity, procreation, is the long term form of survival as death is certain for all that lives. Energy is required to sustain life in it’s primal form, eating. Love in it’s primal form drives us to care for our families, Communication allows us to work with our families to provide stronger and stronger security, and Balance is what we must keep in order to be effective in the world. A sense of security is what allows a body and a nation to flourish. Inspiration is what ties all together in actions that support the security of the whole self and the whole community.

   Long term survival and procreation are one. They are mutually co-dependent. That’s why I cannot help but evaluate every woman I encounter as a potential sexual partner. I am driven to procreate. I also want to have sex. In the modern day, since the sexual revolution, I can have sex and want it without acknowledging, and even denying the drive to procreate. This imbalance is worth of note, and I have some personal work to do on the subject.

   We have needs. We need food. We need warmth. We need water. We need air. We need each other. We need mates. We need parents. We need offspring. We need defense. All our needs require energy to provide for. On the individual level, I must pay money for my home and electricity and food. On the primal level, I must hunt or gather and build a shelter for warmth. On a national level, the economy must be stable enough that people are not starving. The government needs energy, and acquires it in the form of taxes. The mind needs energy to think, which the body provides. Attention is energy. It is where we put our attention that will define where we end up in the next moment. In this moment you have my attention, and I have yours. This is good. It leads to a community of you (all) and I.

   It is love, also known as acceptance, that allows me to open to you in the form of communication. In this communication I have to trust you with my self in the form of my writing. I encourage you to trust me with your reaction. This will create community through communication. Love is also the force that makes survival worth it. Without love, life is empty and meaningless.

   A nation is a huge community, and politics is nothing more than community on a massive scale. Community is the most effective means of creating security. On a national scale, community can create a vast defense system and create stores of energy and stuff for the future. It can share resources. It can attack to acquire energy or defend to keep from losing energy, just like an individual.

   Balance is individual security. An imbalanced mind is at the mercy of the external world, as is an imbalanced body. A balanced body and or mind is effective in matters of fulfilling needs and warding of external threats. Imbalance is the commonly cited cause of terrorism. The imbalanced mind, in the face of a threat, has no choice but to flee or fight. The balanced mind has a choice, and the choice can be the difference between a threat being an addition to or a subtraction from security. For example, let's say I meet a bear in the woods. I can run. I can fight. I can choose to try to use it to fill my own security needs. I can choose to try to befriend it, as unlikely as that may be. The third and fourth possibilities are only possible from a place of balance. A balanced body manifests in good health, and imbalanced body manifest in disease. A balanced mind manifests in capability, an imbalanced mind is at the mercy of the elements.

   Both needs and wants can become easily imbalanced. Again the pitch is inspiration, which has the natural property of balancing out the needs and wants with direction and purpose. Choice comes in in this and every moment. One can, in every moment, choose to get more stuff or energy, things or money. One can in every moment, acquire or create defensive measures such as guns or security alarms. One can in most moments, eat and drink. One can consume non-essential items such as drugs, alcohol or other substances. The pitch is still the same. If you’re hungry, eat. If you’re not, choose what inspires you. If nothing inspires you, try something new, then repeat the process. Inspiration is the pitch. Choose it now.

   Creativity is the source of all solutions to security problems. Guns were someone’s creative idea, so was war. So is the Inter-Dependence Party. I must be creative to find ways to consistently eat and drink and keep warm. Without my creativity I die. It is creativity that gives me other options when I encounter the bear in the forest, and creativity that allows me to skin it if I kill it. It is creativity that creates these combinations of letters that I type, and creativity that was blocked in the months of stagnation before I could finally even begin to produce this document, and creativity that conspired to create the drum set/typewriter combination that kicked me through the block.. Music as a way to unblock and find new possibilities. It is music and improvisation that has freed my mind such that I can even embark on this quest in the first place. It is creativity that presents the infinite possibilities to any given problem, and the basis for solution based politics.

   Creativity requires energy to execute. Sex requires energy. Building a missile requires energy. Playing my flute requires energy. All creative endeavors are so. The converse is also true. Energy requires creativity for it’s very existence.

   Love drives us to express love. Creativity is the means through which we do this. I build a house for my family. I build a platform for my nation and the earth. These things I do in creativity out of love. It is the knowledge that this will serve my creation (offspring) in the future that locks the two together. Love and creativity. Love drives me to write even more. Love drives me to stay with my partner, and is the desire to bear children. It is from a place of love that I will follow and lead this country.

   Communication is creativity. Each word I type I create. Every conversation I have, I’m improvising with grace and ease or pain and frustration. I listen, I react, I act, I create. This moment is a divine and beautiful act of creative communication in which I am typing and you are reading. Let us not get caught in the paradox just yet. Clear and concise I am. Clear and concise I strive to be.

   Balance is fundamentally necessary for pro-creation, as it requires a man and a woman to create a child. This is the primal relationship between balance and creativity. It is so also with music, being between structure and improvisation, both of which are inherently present in every piece. So also with the Inter-Dependence Party Political mission: balance between music and politics makes politics infinitely creative.

   Unbalanced creativity can look like too many new directions, resulting in drifting and going nowhere. Also possible is the opposite, attachment to one creative idea that goes in a single direction, but grinds to a halt for lack of inspiration or change. Unbalanced creativity leads to energy being stuck in particular projects or no projects, and the result is suffering. Creative choice is a solution, or back to the drawing board.

   As pertaining to politics, creativity is a foundation for the Inter-Dependence Party. In every issue of decision making, there are multiple sides or points of view. Based on the simple truth that there are an infinite number of possible creative solutions, all one needs is a bit of perseverance to find one that works for all points of view. This also comes down to inspiration, for that which is inspiring to my whole self is logically inspiring to the whole nation. This logic being true, there is hope for all. Inspiration is the guiding form of energy. I trust it. That’s the pitch. If you’re inspired by some course of action, put your creative energy and attention there. If not, try something new. This is the process of trial and error, the system by which we come to be who we are. It is intrinsic to the human character. The road to wholeness starts with survival, moves through creative trial and error and on up the core issues ladder to inspiration. You have the power to choose. What will you do?

   Energy is do-power. It is the power to provide security. It’s the power to gather food, drink water, breathe, build shelter, create clothing, make swords, make plows, and the whole works. It is the power to pro-create, the power to create and the power to do anything, and the power to do everything. Literally.

   There are many sources and kinds of energy. Wood, food, and oil are a few examples. Oil is a big topic in that wars are fought over it. Taxes are a big one if one considers the government and the people to be separate. Arguments between people are almost unanimously about attention from one point of view.

   Love is the highest form of energy. It is internal and external, infinite and endures beyond all things. Love transcends definition, so take these silly letters in English and know that they are only limitations on the limitless. Love is love. Love is energy. Love is love. Love is this document. This document is love. Love is love. Love is letting go. Love sometimes looks like beauty. Love can be symbolized by charity. Charity organizations are the communal symbol of love. Love is love.

   Community is the framework for storing, sharing and optimizing energy. We protect our resources together. We use our attention to help each other through struggles. We attack when necessary to gain resources from the outside. We pay taxes so that the community can function through the facilitation of a government. As a community, we can use our resources to develop a vast military and a system of health care that could potentially provide for the entire population.

   Balanced energy is health. Balanced energy exchange is healthy communication. Energy and attention needs, wants and imbalances are the vast majority of the “problems” in the world. With taxes it’s that the money (energy) isn’t going to the right place. With oil it’s the willingness to create suffering and death for acquisition. It is unbalanced and attached energy that creates these problems, and inspiration is once again the key. Seeking balance in energy leads us to seek the most balanced form of energy. Once again it’s the pitch: Inspiration. Do that which inspires you. Inspiration is the energy that balances the energy of the whole. This document inspires me. The possibility of energetic balance between you and I inspires me. Put your energy, your money, and your time into things that inspire you. This is my choice in this moment.

   Love is insecure, but when you were there, it was the highest possible feeling of security. This is the paradox of love and security. Love drives us to creativity. Love of music makes me play. Love of my lady makes me want to pro-create. Love of humanity makes me strive to educate and is the highest form of energy. Love is unlimited energy. Love is security. Love is insecure. Love is love. Please do not think I think I can define love. I can only add to it’s beyond-definitionness. Love is acceptance, acceptance is security. Love is letting go. Letting go is creativity. Love is the divine form of energy. Energy is. Love is what we’re striving for, and can be chosen. Love is what is left when judgment is transcended. This entire document is a manifesto on how to awaken love in you, me and the rest of the world.

   Love is the basis for the most basic form of community: the romantic partnership. Love is the magnetism that pulled me to my lady and keeps me there. When based on love, the relationship can survive the trials and tribulations that life throws at a couple, and they can then become pillars for a community in the form of family or on a larger scale in a town, city, state, nation or world. Indeed, love is family, and expanding one’s circle of loved one’s is one way of describing life’s mission.

   Likewise with balance, love drives us to seek our opposite, our mate. It is love that teaches us how to be in balance. Love is inherently balanced. Love is inherently imbalanced. Love is paradox.

   Inspiration is the road to love. Choose it.

   Community is the means for survival as a species, it is the framework for pro-creation and creativity, it is the means for working with energy, it is the framework for and from love. Communication is what we’re doing all the time. We’re listening. We’re talking, I’m writing, you’re reading. Communication is what’s going on right now between you and I. The realized form of communication is community, in which networks of communication provide a better world for all the members of the community. Networks of communities make up cities, which make up states, which make up nations, which make up the global community. The community grows and changes through the process of education, another realized form of communication. The community is based on the pillars of relationships, the basic medium for communication.

   Good communication in a relationship creates space for community, education and integrity to flourish. Good relationships are the basis for a strong family and a strong community. Community is the fully realized medium for communication. Global community is the fully realized version of community.

   The value of community cannot be overstated. It allows us to share energy, protect ourselves, and educate our young. It allows for attention sharing, and allows for each member, particularly kids, to receive enough attention and other energy such as food. It provides security, a framework for creativity and pro-creation, protection of energy resources, sharing of energy resources, a container in which love can flourish, a framework for education and evolution. Politics is community on a massive scale. This entire document is a treatise on community.

   Community is based upon agreements. Agreements are spoken, written or understood.. In the case of the United States, the agreement is the constitution and the law body that stems from it. In the case of my family, it is the understandings that we have about and with each other. The basis for agreements is integrity, and an agreement is only as good as the word of those who are agreeing. Having begun a quest to create a strong community is what has catalyzed my immense and ever deepening respect for integrity. It is upon my word that every interaction I have with my community is based.

   Furthermore, I have agreements with myself and integrity with myself. I have promises I have made to myself and broken. Likewise with America. In particular, I speak to the majority of politicians being unable to follow through on their promises, and our inability to honor the treaties we made with the people who were here before us. This is a crucial matter of integrity that can no longer go ignored. It is so with my broken commitments to myself just as America’s broken commitments to the tribes of the native Americans. Without integrity I am nothing.

   In this moment I make my commitments to the American people, not so much in what I will do in the future, but what I am doing now and will continue to do in every moment. I committed to following my inspiration. I am committed to providing security. I am committed to balance. I am committed to having enough energy. I am committed to Creativity and the preservation of it. I am committed to Community. I am committed to Love. Beyond that I am committed to restoring the integrity of this nation, I am committed to restoring my own integrity. I am committed to uniting the people and the government in this country and I am committed to entering the United States into a powerful and healthy global community.

   Balance in community looks first of all like pluralism. Including members from a diverse range of backgrounds and foregrounds creates a balanced community. Different types of occupations and different income brackets. Oddly enough, one of the ways to strengthen this balance is to have sub-groups of specifics, i.e. women's and men's groups, black and white issues groups, etc... These two aspects of community (the focused and the open) are one relationship between community and balance. The other is romantic relationships, the pillars of community, which are mostly, but not necessarily, between the two sexes. Homosexuality presents only a slight twist on this subject in that one is best served to ask people where they stand on the matter, and one will find out.

   In my own personal, singular community, it is inspiration that ensures that I fill the needs of the whole. It provides for security, creativity, energy, leads to love, creates community, and is balanced. Choice to communicate increases community in this moment. Choice to communicate allows for the possibility of inspired communication. It is so in the nation, it is so between nations just as it is so between people. It is so on a global scale. Global community is built on inter-national, international is built on national, national is built on inter-state (in this case), inter-state is built on inter-city, inter city is built on inter-communal, inter-communal is built on communal, communal is built on interpersonal, interpersonal is built on personal, personal is built on global. That’s the circle. The last bit is based on the logic that inspiration serves me as a whole and therefore serves the world. My body is a direct analogy to the world, and that which energizes my whole body will energize all the people of the world.

   Right now it’s you and I in communication. Right now it’s you and I that make up two points of the national and/or global community. Right now the choice is ours. I’m tired and uninspired, so I’m going to take a hopefully inspired nap. Do what you gotta do, and if you have an inspired idea, jump on it. Now, in the space of a period and a space, I’m back to pitch the same message. Again it comes back down to now, you and I, and a choice to make in this and every moment. My choice in this moment is to open up to you and through communication, I build community, and the choice to do so is based on inspiration. Balance is achieved when this communication becomes two way, and I get to listen while you speak or read while you write. This is my job as a leader, to hear your point of view and make decisions according to that and the other core issues. The basic message of this section is that if and when I am in a leadership position, it is two-way communication between myself and you, and myself and every other member of the community that creates balance and harmony in our relationship and our community.

   Balance is about being. It’s about hangin’ out between the poles. The primary framework for the illustration of this concept is in nowism. This is the study of the present moment, also known as ontology, or the study of being. Most of us have heard that the past is gone and the future isn’t here yet. It’s true. The past is gone, and the future isn’t here yet. Now is the only reality. That does not, however, mean that we can ignore the past or the future. Indeed, it is quite the contrary. The past is where our identity comes from and the future is what out identity lives for. Many are stuck in the past, living lives of stagnancy stemming from experiences that are not happening now. Many also are ruled by the future, frantically trying to create the perfect someday, which in reality never comes. In truth, we all spend time in all three places, my pitch is that the emphasis is here and now. Mindful of the past and it’s lessons. Mindful of the future and it’s visions and it’s dangers. All this in the context of this moment, in which all things truly happen. Your choice in this moment is the only real choice available, and it is irrevocable intertwined with the core issues.

   With regard to security, one must realize that security is entirely based on the non-present. If you’re alive, you’re alive, if you’re not, you’re not. Security is the fear of death in the future as a result of experiences in the past. There is no such thing of being afraid of dying right now. Dying right now would be I’m dead right now. It is this fear that drives us. Again, I do not presume to say that one should not prevent death or discomfort in the future, I only point toward an emphasis on the present moment while being mindful of the past and future.

   Balance in creativity can be described in the nature of inspiration. If inspiration is the great guiding force, what if it’s not here now? You must have felt it before, so chase whatever it was that inspired you then. Chances are, your memories of inspiration in the past were connected to a course of action in the future. For example, I was totally inspired about writing this document on a number of occasions, and in that moment I hadn’t written it yet. In this moment I am not inspired, but trusting a past inspiration that was about the now occurring and yet incomplete future. Thus it always is with inspiration, for it is naturally balanced. It always leads to a course of action that includes the past, the present and the future. This is the nature of inspired creative endeavors.

   Balancing energy is a tricky business. Energy gets stuck when fear and attachment become the rulers of the mind, body, people or government. For instance, when I’m worried about the threat of nuclear holocaust, my mind keeps on wandering to the possibility of that threat over and over again. This puts an imbalanced amount of attention or energy in that area, and, at the cost of the whole, creates suffering. Trial and error is the first possible solution to this, inspiration is the best solution I know of.

   Balance in love is paradox. Love is balanced, love is imbalanced. Love is secure, love is insecure. Love is joy and love is pain. Love is balance. Love is imbalance. The issues lie with how we perceive the emotion of love. We can perceive it from a balanced place or an imbalanced place. The degree and tilt of the balance with which we perceive the emotion of love dictates whether that emotion feels like joy, love, hate, lust, anger, apathy and all the other emotions associated with the heart.

   Balance in the community is illustrated best in the balance between the mind and the body of the community, or the people and the government. If the two are in relationship and interacting as two dancers do and must, some degree of balance is present. If they are not, the body or nation is thrown into chaos. It is the degree of balance, the fine tuning that results in the degree of health. It is like a bowstring. If it is too slack, you cannot shoot an arrow. If it is too tight, it will break. The vast gradient of possibilities in between is all degrees of balance. Likewise with the body. All living forms exist on the gradient of balance, beyond it, death.

   Pluralism is another way to represent balance in the community. A group that is well balanced in terms of income, race and age will tend to make decisions that are in tune with the whole, while a group that is only one income bracket, one race and one age will tend to make decisions with a much more narrow focus.

   Gender and gay issues are also tending to be balance issues. The man and the woman have to find a balance in order to find harmony. Likewise with gay relationships. The only difference is that it’s a man and a man finding balance or a woman and a woman finding balance.

   This platform is based on a number of balance concepts. One is the marriage of art and science, the art form being music and the science being politics. That’s why there’s a CD out with this platform, and that’s why you’re hearing this with a 6/8 time signature, and why you can dance to it. Try it with a partner, it works.

   Inspiration is balance. You are balanced. Fine-tune your balance by trusting the most balanced force in nature. Choose inspiration.

   Inspiration is the pitch. It is inspiration that fuels me now, it is inspiration that led me here, it is inspiration that I walk towards. I will now digress for a moment to tell you of my walk and how I came to now as best I know.

   I do not remember the first time I felt inspiration, but I remember really liking it. I also remember going without it for years at a time. I remember dropping too much LSD and breaking my mind open, only to discover that it happened to give me a desire for a direction in life, which in itself was and is a direction. What’s up? I then began to quest for the truth in earnest. I tried everything, from various religions to dance, to more drugs to abstinence, to music to self-help seminars. What I found was inspiration. I found that following and trusting inspiration led me to places and moments in which I was and am content, and often happy. It was trusting that feeling that led me to love life, after a long struggle of something completely different. Over the past five years or so I have come to have total faith in the sensation of goosebumps and energy coursing through my body.

   Inspiration represents wholeness to me in that all the cells of my body are energized and in tune with one another. It represents all the core issues being in communication and agreement with one another on a given course of action. It feels good It is upon that plus the analogy that the body is like unto the nation that I base this entire platform. Inspiration is the course of action that I can take in a given moment that best serves myself as a whole, my nation as a whole, human kind as a whole and the earth as a whole. If one ones to go so far and use the “G” word, it is the sensation that tells me that I am in tune with God. It is how you will know when you have found your life path, the project or way of being that will best serve your community and world. Inspiration is the pitch.

   Inspiration marks a path through the core issues of the body, nation and world. It marks a path that provides for security, whether it be lodging or food or money. Always I am provided for when I trust my inspiration. It moves through creativity, allowing one to have a navigation point in a sea of endless and infinite possibilities. It allows one to choose where to put the energy and attention of this and other moments with or without fear of screwing up and/or getting stuck. It allows for the redirection of stuck energy that did screw up and/or get stuck. It leads us to Love through Community, Balance and Inspiration. It leads us to Transformation, in which our hearts open wide and accept all that life is. Inspiration is the highest form of Creativity, and the Energy that leads us to Love. It leads to projects that create, support and sustain Community, and is Balance in it’s most divine form. Lastly and firstly, unification is by far the highest form of Security and it is in the inspired community that I am safest. It is in the whole in which everyone is safest that everyone is safest.

   Inspiration is the pitch. If it’s there, choose it. If it was there, choose that. If it might be there, go where it might be. If it’s not, check your security. If security is not present, creativity is the drawing board to go back to. Climb the ladder to find inspiration, and use inspiration to climb the ladder. You and I on the paths that call to us on the deepest level are the hope for the world. You and I doing that which supports and empowers the whole and ourselves is what inspiration is. Inspiration is the pitch, I choose it and I pitch it to you, straight down the pipe. Swing, batter. Choose it now.

   Tyler Vega
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