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This morning Paul, Sinead and Jacob joined us again along with Kevin and his wife Marry about half way out of town we were joined by the Mayor Michael Carr and they all stayed with us until we got to the outskirts of town. The morning was pretty uneventful, but we got a surprise for lunch Paul, Sinead and Jacob showed up again with pizza for lunch! We had a nice picnic lunch and enjoyed the nice park that we found to have it in. After lunch we said our goodbyes and off we went again.
The weather today was typical nice and sunny in the morning and wet for about 15 minutes in the afternoon. We walked into Banbridge and it was still raining but nice Mike from the town council came and meet us and took us to were we are spending the night and then we went to town hall for “tea and biscuits” that is a everyday afternoon thing.
At the meeting we filled out orders for dinner and then went back to our overnight stay to wait for dinner. After a nice rest we walked down to meet the council for dinner it was at one of the local restaurants pretty fancy for us but the meal was fantastic.
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