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In Dundalk we were separated into men and women mainly because the St. Patrick’s Cathedral didn’t have any facilities for women. So the men stayed at St. Patrick’s and the women stayed with Mary at her house. Everyone seemed to have a great day off.
We were treated to a full breakfast and to our surprise a pre made packed lunch for everyone to take. Thanks’ to the Very Reverend Gerard Campbell and the staff at St. Patrick’s and to Mary.
Mark Dreary from the green party came to walk with us through town again he has also been very supportive of the walk and its goal’s. Mark, Mary and a few other people from the community joined us until we reached the Main road that leads us to Newry. It was a good day to walk and at some point today KA’s Brother, his wife and what will soon be our youngest walker.
After a good hike up the road and taking shelter in a local restaurant during a normal afternoon rain and they donated some nice tea and coffee. Then as we were getting closer to town the road got really busy and a farmer came out and said you all can’t walk on that road on my property is the “Old Dublin Road” and you all can take that and it and it will stop right in town. So we took him up on his offer and it was fantastic it was like walking into the past. A bit over grown but you can still see the path that who knows how many travelers’ have taken this road?
We got back on to the footpath and were met by Kevin our overnight coordinator and he was great he wanted to walk the rest of the way into town. Then as we were going down a hill into town we were meet by KA’s brother Paul his wife Sinead and her new Nephew Jacob. As we got into town we were in for a treat a local man that Kevin had contacted gets out of his car with his pipes and starts playing.
He walked and played the rest of the way to town hall. We waited at the city center until the mayor showed up and then we were treated to a fantastic meal. A choice of beef stroganoff or chicken with rice potato’s pasta salad and a lettuce salad. We had a nice circle were we all talked about why we came to walk and a little history of ourselves and we meet Mary Kevin’s wife. At the end of the night we were packed up into taxis and driven to where we are going to sleep for the night.
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