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Wow!! What an adventure we had today. We left Carol’s early this morning with the sun shining. We all knew it was going to be a good days’ walk – and we were not disappointed.
Transporting the walkers back to Ayr, we met a new walker – Duncan by the coastal pathway.
Our path today was off the main road (due to unsafe conditions), as we followed first the coastal walkway and then onto a dismantled railway from Ayr.
Luckily for us we met a fellow local walker who showed us the way as the railway began to get a little hard to follow. It was great to meet him as he told us we were the first to walk the newly formed Ayshire Coastal Path and he was on his way to check over a few details.
So, over a few barbed wire fences, across paddocks full of thistles, sheep and cows, through a caravan park, up and over magnificent hills and tumbling over rocks along the many beaches we finally reached Culzean Castle!!
A well deserved lunch in the grounds of the ancient Castle at 3pm was appreciated by all.
We were amazed and surprised to find out that not only was the Church of Scotland allowing us to sleep in their hall for the evening but Sue and some friends had prepared a meal of soup, bread and macaroni for us…and to top it all off a freshly made pavlova and Scottish pudding. We couldn’t believe our eyes at the feast as only minutes before had we been discussing who was going to cook and what we would have….totally amazing and well appreciated. Thank you !!
The days’ walk on this beautiful land refreshed and rejuvenated our bodies…a healing and a blessing. Reminding me of how important nature, greenness, wildness and the Earth is for us to let ourselves be wild - bringing us back to some kind of youthfulness. As we trekked through an unpaved road without the hum and violence of cars roaring past our bodies, we could instead enjoy a full day amongst the grasses, the water falls, the high cliffs, the rocks, the shells, the sand and twisted drift wood. We could deeply explore the soft Earth below our feet and relax to the smells and sounds of the ocean, the comforting beauty in our noses and ears - uplifting our spirits and giving thanks for such a day.
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