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This morning Maggie sent us on our way with a fresh batch of scones and jam, drinks and fruits. In the box full of treats was a letter that I would like to share: Dear Everyone, It was a great pleasure spending time with you all. We have realized (thanks to you!) as a family that we need to be more aware of what is happening in the nuclear industry, instead of digesting (half heartedly) what is being fed to us. Good Luck, and on behalf of 5 members of the human race, THANK YOU for doing this peace walk for us. Love Maggie
This is what keeps us going, but also to acknowledge that its people, families and community like Maggie’s that is a part of the whole connected world that wants to see peaceful change.
On our way we enjoyed the warm sun on our backs as we walked up and over the mountains to get back to the ocean.
We lunched at Cairnryan – a small village that once served as a vital wartime port in the 1940’s. The history is told that in November 1940 Cairnryan was transformed from a small fishing village into a major military base. It is interesting to note from where we have walked is that during this time Faslane served as the No 1 Military Port and Cairnryan served as the No 2 Military Port. At its peak – in 1943 Cairnryan saw 4000 military personnel stationed in eight camps in the surrounding farmland. Today Cairnryan is very quiet with not much life, there is no fishing, no military - only a few scars remain that remind us of a heavy military past.
After a great solid day of walking we arrived into sunny Stranraer just in time for a gorgeous sunset. We stayed a comfortable night at the St Johns’ Episcopal Church.
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