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We had a great welcome into Loughborough by the very energetic Golden Oldies Against Trident Submarines (GOATS) when we reached Cotes Mill (just outside Loughborough).
Their colorful banner, flags and fantastic smiles brightened our hot day.
As the sun shone on all of us, it was fantastic to see so many people gathered in Loughborough Market Place for the welcome to the Peace Walkers by Local Council Members,
the women’s drumming group – Wholeshebang Jammers Group and the beautiful girls from the Hum Heihindustani Dance Group. We all enjoyed being in the Market Place on a fabulous day enjoying each others’ company.
Afterwards we walked back to our stay place for the night – Trinity Methodist Church. To add a small note of remembrance & significance today is the 62nd anniversary of the very first nuclear bomb tested in New Mexico – code named Trinity.
A huge thanks to all those involved in creating such a fantastic event and welcome to the Peace Walkers in Loughborough. All of us had a wonderful time and met some very special people who we give great thanks for all their peace work towards a nuclear free future.