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![]() ![]() After a fine breakfast we headed back to the temple and started organizing a few things Bob and Jon went to the store for some food items and some origami paper so we can make peace cranes to give to our overnight host as a Thank you. ![]() The day is full of planning organizing and good discussion and now we are just awaiting the arrival of some more walkers from the airport and bus station. ![]() We all sat around, talked and made Peace cranes to give to our overnight host and just made sure we are ready to go. Now it’s off to bed early morning tomorrow the adventure begins. |
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![]() We formed a circle in front of the Temple and shared the plans for the day. Maggie and Beth and Bob were the drivers. On the way down, all of a sudden the group stopped drumming and chanting and moved slowly forward. We had encountered our first homeless person asleep under an overpass. Beth and Bob walked with us to the King Center, where we chanted and circled and took lots of pictures of the graves of MLK and Coretta. The sky was so clear and blue. ![]() ![]() As we continued out of town we walked down Route 29; we could see the planes coming into the airport for a very long way. We passed a large military facility, which was surrounded with barbed wire razor fencing and metal reinforcements. I kept wondering if they were there to prevent the soldiers from leaving or the civilians from entering. What could they be doing there that would necessitate such protection? Maybe I really don’t want to know. ![]() The last mile of our twelve seemed very long to most of us. We finally spotted the Thrift store where the cars were parked, got into them and drove to Erin and Amanda‘s house. The dogs were here to welcome us. We unpacked the cars, made tea and had lots of discussions about where we were going to sleep. We had a great tea party and now are waiting the finishing of the pasta cooking. What a wonderful community feeling! |
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![]() ![]() The sky was so blue with wispy clouds in peace crane formations. Sunday found lots of cars in the Church parking lots; someone noted that the honks of support and and waves diminished considerably when the churches let out. We do have work to do. ![]() When we turned right on Route 54 the sign said Peachtree City 9 miles. That was heartening; in the morning we weren’t sure we could make it, but 9 miles sounded doable. When we arrived at our lunch break, our team had set us up in front of a “foot and ankle “place. How appropriate, but sadly it was closed. The chefs soothed our wounds with a beautifully laid out spread; they even cut our apples and cheese and arranged them on the plate. The pasta and meat sauce that Erin and Amanda had left for us were even better for lunch today. After lunch, Jim and Bob headed back to see if the warmth of the day would urge the car to wake up and join us and it had. Hurrah ![]() The “little back roads” are all four lane highways now. We saw our first dead animals – a snake, a fox, a cat and a deer with antlers. This reminded us of walking with Billy, who would have blessed each of these and moved them into a safe place. ![]() ![]() Buenos noces! |
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![]() ![]() Bob’s car cooperated today and started right up. The temperature agreed with it and the moisture level was low. Yeh! ![]() Memento mori! – we saw a very recently killed doe and moved it off the road and another which had been there a long time, four armadillos and a skunk. Jim saw three deer on the road and honked and chased them off the road to protect their lives. Bathroom strategy number 3 was using the porta johns at the many construction sites along the way, though we did find the gas stations more amenable to us as we neared Newnan. The big story of the day is that the creativity spot in the line is at the end. We practiced improvisational chanting, chanting with a a Spanish beat, classical chanting, operatic chanting, and chanting with a dance accompaniment. We learned that laughter really reduces pain. ![]() ![]() ![]() Although yesterday we found gas below $3.00, $2.98 to be exact, today we found one station with $2.71, so our wonderful driver filled up the van. ![]() When we got to St. George’s, Fr. Fogarty met us and showed us the women’s dorm and the men’s dorm and provided us with great comfort kits., towels, pillows and mattresses. AND SHOWERS! They seemed concerned that there were only eight of us instead of the twelve we were expecting. We promised to eat for twelve. The food was great; Bread pudding outstanding. We split up and moved tables so we could talk to the Church people. After dinner there was a Spanish Mass in the chapel and adoration in the Church. After dinner there was a community meeting to plan tomorrow and the stage activity for Sunday. We’ve got to get up REALLY early. Oh, my! And we’re getting another walker tomorrow. We’re still waiting for a phone call from our Australian friend who’s supposed to get to Atlanta on the bus today. We’ll work hard to invite them into our group. We’ve become so tight, but I know all will be well. ![]() One more day ended- tired and sore, but happy and close. |
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![]() We were joined by another John from Atlanta. The guys now lead 5-4, but Rea is coming tomorrow and that will even it up to 5-5. As we gathered by the Court House in Newnan, a young woman approached us and wanted to pray with us. We invited her to join our morning circle. She then went to her car and made a very generous donation, which really helped pay the love offering in Columbus. As the drivers left to move the cars to Hogansville to David and Kathy’s, we began the walk through Newnan and out into the country. Just as we stopped after the first hour at our usual stop, the Oaks Inn, the support vehicle arrived. Perfect timing again. Jim had made two red flags to use fore an aft to warn vehicles of our group. He led the group from there with the front flag. The country road was wonderful—two lanes, no strip malls and even a few signs of farm life—our first horses and one field of cows, another with bales of hay and a few turkeys responding to our chanting. I wonder if they’ll survive Thanksgiving. We’ve been very lucky with the police. They’ve driven by, checked us out or watched from the sidelines. Today was the first time they’ve approached us. The mayor of Hogansville asked them to check on us and be sure we were safe. A newspaper reporter from Hogansville came out and interviewed Jim. We’ll be looking for papers tomorrow. ![]() Some of the things we’re grateful for—our wonderful hosts, good bodies, trees on the sunny side of the road, wide berms, pine needles softening the walk, cool rest spots, solid chanting and drumming. At our lunch stop another young man stopped and questioned what we were doing. He was amazed, joined us for lunch and considered coming for the weekend. Jim kept us moving, because we had our longest day—20 miles. We did it with lots of sore muscles and new blisters. The moxsa (mugwort) came out. As usual Kathy and Susan prepared a terrific meal of chili and split pea soup, different breads and eggplant pate and humus. Soothing showers and then to bed. |
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![]() The drivers moved the cars to Lagrange and returned as we were having our first break by a roadside pond. Today our flannels and fleeces began disappearing about five minutes into the walk. Our warmest temperature so far, 79, was recorded on a bank in Lagrange after 5:00. Today’s walk remained very rural. As we headed down the road, the sun was more moonlike than sunny. It was clear and beautiful. ![]() Our apprentice provided us with BR strategy number four with a beautiful cloth hung in the trees to provide a modicum of privacy from the cars, though none if a train passed, as they seemed to be doing frequently this week. Our mindfulness of animals on their journey to their next life included a bat, a bird, a fox, an armadillo, and several possums. Mid afternoon Rea arrived with Clare and her friend. After a rousing welcome, they continued to the support vehicle to deposit Rea’s luggage. During our last break near Staples, Jim was able to make a connection and work on uploading the last few days updates and pictures. While he was working we rested and discussed Sufism; Beth was able to share a Rumi poem about the message given to the rose to open is given to us to open our hearts…… ![]() After walkers had retired to their respective host houses, we chatted for a while with Dean and Joanne about their year. Amber and Ryan are both Seniors this year and will leave for college in September. Joanne took this year off to be with the girls in their Senior year. Amber will receive the Hope scholarship, which will pay her tuition as long as she keeps a B average. They had traveled to Guatemala with Anton last summer and shared their wonderful experiences with us. They encouraged us to go if we have the chance. We have discussed the serious water issues with each host family. We tried to limit our use of their water, though they made their showers available to us. Buones noces. |
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Na mu myo ho ren ge kyo! Oh. Blessed Rain that came during the night! ![]() At one point we saw a sad duck in his dried up pond. The pond was down to only a puddle. A couple horses perked up and listened to our chanting. ![]() When we arrived at Jim and Judy’s, we had a welcome circle and introduced ourselves. They were expecting a group from the Peace and Justice Committee in Auburn. We weren’t sure just when they would arrive. We put our luggage out of sight and settled into helping with dinner, then had a Group Meeting to plan the next few days. This is our last night at a host families. We made sure that everyone had a transportation plan for Sunday. ![]() |
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![]() We drove to the Muscogee County line and began. The morning walk was simply exquisite! Where yesterday we had a Golden Wind, today we had a Golden Sun through the trees. ![]() ![]() At the 3:00 break Carol gave some of the walker’s leg and foot massages. ![]() ![]() |
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![]() After a quick clean-up we had to drive back to the Columbus Coliseum to take up our trek for the final 3.5 miles. On the way back to our starting point, we roused ourselves with an energetic rendition of singing with Neil Young’s pet hound dog song “ King”, including the required howling at the moon sound effects. The group had grown again with the addition of an Australian walker, Bonnie Wykman, who volunteered to carry the walk banner for the day. At 8:30 Jim Toren (co-road manager) led us out on the left side of the road for our easiest day of walking. We also were joined at the start by a couple from Utah who had come for the rally and walked about half way with us. What seemed like a quick jaunt compared to the 17 and 20 mile days we had already survived, brought us to the police barricades at Ft. Benning where entered the rally area to numerous claps and cheers. As we walked through the rally grounds chanting, drumming, and praying our numbers swelled with enthusiastic supporters. In a few short minutes we were at the barrier fence behind the stage area, chanted out our frustration over this facility and it’s mission with our last bit of group energy, and formed our final circle of this years walk. After sentimental statements and a heart felt round of hugs our mission for the 2007 pilgrimage was officially complete. |
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![]() ![]() At 8:20 we got a call telling us to go ahead and start on down we started off and passed the barricade I saw some of the police officers having a discussion about the drum sticks and some of the other officers saying not to worry about it. Personally I thought the police this year were less evasive than they had been in the past we weren’t searched and there were no metal detectors. But that was just my perspective. We took the stage at 8:30 the drumming being led by Bob, we didn’t have much time so after about one minute the chanting stopped and I introduced myself and the walkers. Good morning, my name is Jim Toren from Cincinnati Ohio The people behind me here have walked from the King Center in Atlanta and finished here 107 miles later to be with all of you beautiful people to say in one voice No Mas No More! Brother Utsumi and Sister Dennis of the Nipponzan Myohoji order usually organize this walk but are in India this year to dedicate a temple in India and asked that we carry out the tradition of this walk. The two organizations that organized the walk this year was FootPrints for Peace and Blessed by default. And now I’d like to introduce one of the walkers Mary Beth Gamba who will read a poem that we read to inspire us along our journey. Now we would like to ask you all to participate with us. Mary Beth took the stage and thanked everyone for coming and asked if when she raised her hand to say in one voice “We Remember Them”: At the rising of the sun and its going down, We remember them. At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of the winter, We remember them. At the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring, We remember them. At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of summer, We remember them. At the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of autumn, We remember them. At the beginning of the year and when it ends, We remember them. As long as we live, they too will live, for they are now a part of us, As we remember them. When we are weary and in need of strength, We remember them. When we are lost and sick at heart, We remember them. When we have joy we crave to share, We remember them. When we have decisions that are difficult to make, We remember them. When we have achievements that are based on theirs, We remember them. As long as we live, they too will live, for they are now a part of us, As we remember them. ![]() ![]() ![]() During the day there were speeches and blessings from people from all over the world and all walks of life from the 1000 Grandma’s to the Indigo Girls to Dennis Kucinich. ![]() ![]() After the last name is read the puppetista’s take over and lighten the mood a little with the almost carnival like setting and the big giant puppets. The story that they tell is uplifting and prepares us for our long drive home. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() But one thing is for sure no matter were we are at in the world four worlds from time to time echo in my head |
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