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Big heart John Toren begins another pre-dawn mission in support of Mother Earth, putting down Foot Prayers of healing all along a stretch of highway 125 on his way to East Fork Lake. John is known for his perserverance in pursuit of activist missions in support of peace & justice as well as environmental issues, and also for the great love he brings to all our circles; especially when his huge heart overflows with love and he can't restrain his tears of joy!
One of the greatest combinations of flint hard determination and soft hearted love that any of us is likely to have the good
fortune to encounter in this life.
Thanks for all you do, John!
When we first moved to this area over 40 years ago all this land was filled with trees, a veritable jungle if you will, of Mother Earth's beauty. Now most of it is swamped with Walmat, Bob Evans, gas stations, movie rentals, and on and on. When will it all stop?
When I was a young man this used to be just a two lane road from Amelia to Bethel but now it is a four lane speeder's highway and it's getting wider. While the Eastfork Lake area is beautiful I am afraid that it brought about more destruction than it saved.
Too many people and businesses are taking advantage of the water that is stored in the lake as well as the boating that is a constant annoyance to those of us who love the peacefullness of nature. All in all it's just not worth it to develop dam ares like Eastfork.
This area used to be woods but has been savagely cleared to build some sort of business or housing project. We need to use our brains to figure out how to live with nature and not to just overrun her when it meets our fancy.
When you see the flash of the robins red breast in the spring, you never know if you are seeing one from the south that summers here, or one from the north that winters here. We have the blessing of both in our region. They certainly are beautiful, although these intrepid hunters tend to keep the worms underground (at least if they are smart worms).
Jim Toren, John Blickenstaff, Jon Burkindine and Larry Crane start the run at Little Turtle Monument overlooking the Ohio and
Licking river.
Jon Burkendine takes the lead section on the 2007 Earth Day Run, while Jon Blickenstaff and Larry Crane cheer him on. The scene is right behind Chief Little Turtle statue at the confluence of where the Licking river winds its way up from Kentucky and joins the mighty Ohio. Jon is one of the core group of Footprints activists and is a veteran of many road events and many miles of footprayers. Even when he can't participate in a complete event, he is notorious for showing up at just the opportune moment when no-one else can go another mile to inspire us by running 10, 15, or even 20 miles.
Thanks Jon for all you have done, and continue to do to further the causes of peace and justice and environmentalism.
Our brother Speedy the snail putting down unipod prayers for our Mother Earth! Like we say "All assistance is greatly appreciated", and all footprayers are recorded in that great ledger in the sky regardless of the shape of the foot!
Thanks Speedy
Jon Blickenstaff cranks out his miles through an urban maze of traffic, telephone lines, street signs, cross roads, and businesses.You have to take your miles wherever they come in the overall scheme of the road events, and Jon is know for taking all kinds without complaint, even when he had to run the complete up and down 10 miles of Pine Mountain Kentucky...twice in 2 consecutive years of the Nuclear Free Future Run from Portsmouth, Ohio to Oak Ridge, TN. It is that kind of dedication and positive attitude that makes Jon a good runner, ally and Friend.
Thanks Jon for doing the long hard miles!
Five staunch defenders of Mother Earth, dedicated to Her preservation for ALL peoples, ALL cultures, ALL beliefs, and ALL generations; share a moment of silence and joy to have the honor of being of service!
Please feel free to come out and join us, you can't let us have ALL the fun by ourselves can you?