Amazing Grace
Experiencing our Creators sadness for his children who fall.

Navigation Bar Submit Feedback    I had one of those experiences at the gates last Saturday. I had picked up a beautiful smooth round river rock at Martin & Coretta's tomb to carry to Benning and along the way everyone shared carrying and charging it with footprayers. I intended to leave it at the gates to create close the SOA energy long after the rally was over.

On Saturday, after we walked in to the gates I went to the fence at the grassy area where the corpse protesters lay; The traffic was light at that time so I lay down in the sun and took off my shoes to put the final ergs of prayer energy in the stone before setting it.

   As I lay there praying for a stop to the slicing and dicing of the Creators children a Spirit of mourning so strong I have only felt it rarely in my life came over me, and I believed I was experiencing a wee bit of the Creators sadness for his children who fall.

   Along with the mourning came an extreme sense of urgency as His patience with us wears mighty thin! I was almost overwhelmed by these shock waves rolling over my heart, so I deposited my stone and went looking for my allies.

Jon, was the first I encountered at the side of the stage enjoying the music, I walked up to him and one look told him something was up... He grabbed me in a big embrace and I cried like a baby ( well you weren’t there so somebody had to do it) unable to tell him what was happening to me.

   It wasn't long as I tried to gaspingly explain what was going on that he also was weeping vigorously. As the other members of our group noticed us they joined in until all 8 of us were in a great circle hug that was finally completed by Jim of the Vine and Fig Tree as he joined in saying can I have some of this. I haltingly tried to explain where this energy had come, and profess the sense of urgency I felt for us to push "the Work" even harder.

   I know in my heart that the Creator gifted me with vision that we MUST stop killing and torturing each other as well as protecting and healing Mother Earth. Time is short; His forbearance is diminishing rapidly. We all already know what the consequences are if we fail! Probably even worse than we can even imagine.

   As I write this I can again feel the urgency and sadness. Bro, I really don't know exactly what to do with this vision, I am only one puny, pitiful, human being and other than to keep doing what we are doing I can't imagine how to heal all the damage His unruly kids have caused.

   What I do know, imprinted indelibly on my heart, is WE HAVE TO TRY!!!!!!! God help us all!!!!

Larry Crane

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