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My Miracle
This is a true story. It was the Summer of 2002 and we had reached Staten Island. Another very long day painful for me. I finally hobbled up to the church we were staying at overnight and I made right for the Trooper to get my shoes off and rest before joining everyone inside. I always hid myself because at times I couldn't hold back the tears or the painful expressions that must have been on my face after the day was done. Many occassions toe nails would come off in my socks when I pulled them off so I always had to collect myself before joining the group. There were many times I would skip dinner and go to the tent too emabarressed to let anyone see me crying or in pain. I liked to sit on the passenger side with my bare feet dangling out to cool off and ease the pain. I was used to the pain, it had been my constant companion for over ten years when my diabetes roared into action against me and damaged the circulation in my lower legs and feet. I had my head resting on the back stop of the front seat and was feeling like a nap when this young man who I had never seen before came up to me and introduced himself by saying something like "they tell me you are having some foot problems and I'd be glad to help you out if you want me to" and explained to him about my diabetes and I said something to the affect that I didn't think there was anything he could do but being polite I asked him what he had in mind. Well he started telling me all this crazy wierd stuff about "the fountain of youth" and energy healing and frankly I thought he was a nut case. Sometime in the middle of his explaination my son came over, probably to protect this youngster from me since I can be pretty, say, relentless, at times with my opinions. After this young man, Tyler Vega by name, was finished Jim said something like "Hey dad, what could it hurt?" and so I asked Tyler if I had to strip naked and lay on a couch, being a little sarcastic. Tyler told me that I didn't even have to take my socks off, which I hadn't yet peeled off my aching feet. He told me to just relax and try to be comfortable and I asked him if it would bother him if I fell asleep and he replied "no problems". I was at this point a total skeptic believe me but as my son said, what could it hurt? I even went so far as to show him a stump where I had a finger torn off some years ago and told him that if he could make my finger grow back then I would believe he could make my circulation come back. Looking back at it I now wonder why he just didn't give up on me and walk away! Anyhow, I laid my head back and relaxed while Tyler moved his hands over my feet and ankles, pausing for periods of time just holding them. It did feel good just having them rubbed, something my dear wife had been doing for over a decade. The pain never left but it was allieviated some and so wilst Tyler was doing his thing so to speak I did drift off into sleep. It wasn't a long nap and when I opened my eyes Tyler let go of my feet and asked me how I felt. Well I did feel better but I told him that it wasn't unusal for the pain to subside after a rubbing and a nap and that I really didn't want to hurt his feelings but that I was still very skeptical about his "healing abilities" and he just said "that's ok, it happens to me all the time", or something to that effect. Anyhow, we did strike up a walker's friendship and I just filed it all away in the bottom of my mind pit of useless experiences and for the next week or so continued my painful journey to the World Trade Center. Now I don't want anyone feeling sorry for me, thinking I am strong and courageous or any such nonsense like that but I want you to understand what my pain was like in order for you to comprehend the end of this story. For at least the last ten years I lived with this pain. At times it was just there, maybe just to the point of making me uncomfortable, at times just aggravating and at times so intense that it would bring tears to my eyes. It hurt, it never went away, it was always there. At times I couldn't sleep. I would sit up in a chair all night trying to find a comfortable position, getting up and walking around and even sometimes to the point where I would beat them with my hands so that I could just feel another type of pain. I had no health insurance so I could not seek medical assistance but I believed that all they could do would to drug me up and I wouldn't have done this anyway. I even read a story about an olympic athelete, a women, who experienced the same type of pain and had her feet amputated so that she wouldn't have to deal with it. I contemplated the same course of action but I knew I would never be able to afford it. I can't say for sure if I would have done it if I could have but I thought a lot about it, believe me, and I understood exactly what that young women had to go through. It was akin to having an abscessed tooth for ten years, only in your legs and feet! Several days after we returned from this pilgrimage Tyler and another walker by the name of Marie Hubbs showed up at Peace Hostel Amelia for a brief visit before heading home. It was right around the 4th of July because they were there for our family get together. I was sure glad to see them and to share our stories and spirits. Of course the subject of how my feet were doing came up and the fact of the matter was that I was going through some rather excruiting periods of times during their visit and I told them that. As it turns out, Marie was also a practitioner of this so-called "energy healing" but I really didn't think it worked or would work so I said thanks but no thanks and just let it pass by. They stayed for some weeks and were getting close to the day of their departure when Tyler and Marie came over to the house in for a visit and I can't quite remember how Tyler and or Marie convinced me but they some how talked me into a session of energy healing with both of them "working" on me. I know I didn't want to hurt their feelings, that much I remember, so I said ok, cleared the living room out, laid down in the middle of the floor and let them do "their thing" on me. Now I should explain to you that neither Tyler or Marie can tell you how this works. There are no rules or procedures to follow. It cannot be explained or taught like out of a text book. This all added to my skeptisism. Tyler took my feet and legs, Marie took my head and the "energy" session started. I can only describe what happened as kaleidoscopic. Darkness, lightness, different colors, explosions of a sort, spinning, etc. I actually at times envisoned my self digging away at my arteries with a pick, cleaning out the blockage and putting in pipes in place of my damaged arteries. Nothing I say here will be enough to explain this "pipe dream". I could feel both Marie gently carressing my head while Tyler did the same with my feet. At times both would pause and put pressure on various places for fairly long periods of time. It was both intense and relaxing if that makes any sense at all. I guess this continued for almost an hour and as suddenly as it started it was over. We then began to talk about what was going on in my mind and I tried to explain to them about what was going on in my mind as I tried to explain above. Physically I didn't feel much different than after my normal massage and I was reasonably comfortable and I told them this. Well they went back nextdoor where they were staying the night and Sylvia and I went back to watching TV. Business as usual, eh? Well, it was business as usual because at 11:03pm the really bad pain struck again with a vengence. I know the time because I was just turning off the TV to go to bed and there is a clock on top of the TV. There was no going to bed now. I had been through this hundreds of times over the last ten years or so. Now it was just trying to move around, sit in different positions, take a walk, anything to try to get the pain to subside! Anything! Aspirin, a drink, tears, trying to watch TV, it got as bad as it gets. At times I became almost delirious because of the pain and this was yet another one of those nights. I thought to myself how I had wasted my time with the energy session, I think I may have even blamed it for the intensity of the pain! I finally fell asleep sometime around 3AM. One thing about pain, it does exhaust you to the point where sooner or later you fall asleep or I guess die! You really don't care during these episodes, you just want it to go away! Forever! Please God, make it go away! Now for the miracle part. When I woke up the next day, I think it was July 6th, 2002, almost 2 years ago now, my pain was gone! IT WAS GONE! I couldn't believe it myself at first. I expected it to return any minute, any hour, any day! But it didn't! A certain numbness that had been present for many years was still there and still is, but no pain! It was almost like "that pain" knew it was going to die and it gave me one last big round before it met it's maker. Now the story of this energy healing dosen't end here. Tyler and I had several other sessions on a walk that we did later on that year and Tyler also has aided others who I know to heal themselves but I'm saving those stories for later. One miracle per story is enough and believe me, it was a miracle! Tyler Vega and Marie Hubbs. Two very remarkable, loving people. If you are fortunate your path will cross their's someday and you will be the better for it. I certainly was. Blessed are the Peacemakers Love and hugs John |
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