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“Catastrophic success?” my friend said, “you can’t use those two words in the same sentence. They’re contradictory.” My friend is right, of course, but they were used on national TV and millions of Americans heard and saw the pronouncement that the war in Iraq is a “catastrophic success.”
Consider this statement: We can sleep secure in the knowledge that the FBI and the CIA have done everything possible to keep us safe from terrorists like al Qaeda. WRONG. Read Peter Lance’s new book Triple Cross to learn how al Qaeda operative Ali Mohamed infiltrated the FBI, joined the Army and was stationed at Ft. Bragg, and even did spy work for the CIA. Lance’s book is not partisan nor is it conspiratorial, but it points out how utterly incompetent the FBI and the CIA were in being unable to connect the intelligence dots and prevent 9/11. “Brownie, you’ve done a heck-of-a-job.” WRONG. FEMA failed to take care of the Katrina victims. Some are still living in trailers and are being poisoned by formaldehyde. CIA Director George Tenant assured the President that invading Iraq and getting rid of Sadam Hussein would be a “slam dunk.” WRONG. After 5 years of war killing 4,000 Americans, perhaps killing as many as 100,000 Iraqis (no one knows for sure), and displacing at least 250,000 Iraqis the basic problems of tribal friction are not solved, and al Qaeda is stronger than ever. The Bush Administration predicted in 2003 that the war in Iraq would cost $60 billion. WRONG. So far the cost is about 3 TRILLION DOLLARS. Remember the “Mission Accomplished” sign for the whole world to see? WRONG. If the mission was accomplished why are we still there? The Administration claims that the prisoners held at Gitmo were captured on the field of battle. WRONG. The majority were not captured on any battle field, as an analysis of Pentagon documents by the Seton Hall Law School showed. Some were sold to U.S. troops by Taliban leaders for $5,000 per head. Some were juveniles, ages 12 to 14, and one was an 88 year old schizophrenic man. In 2005 both President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice said that the U.S. has not transported anyone to a country to be tortured. WRONG. Peter Bergen, writing in Mother Jones, reported that he found 53 documented cases of extraordinary rendition since 9/11. On February 17, 2003 Abu Omar was captured by CIA agents in Italy, flown to Egypt where he was beaten, stripped naked and given electric shocks. The President has told us repeatedly that our safety is the result of the successful military campaign in Iraq. WRONG. The National Intelligence Estimate, reporting for 16 different U.S. spy services, concluded that the invasion of Iraq has produced a new generation of Islamic radicals, increasing the threat of terror. In July 2001 Osama bin Laden was proclaimed widely America’s most wanted criminal, and he was wanted “dead or alive.” WRONG. Then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said “The U.S. could have ordered his arrest and extradition in Dubai. But then they would not have had a pretext for going to war.” He was referring to bin Laden’s treatment in the American hospital in Dubai, and his visit on July 12, 2001, by CIA agent Larry Mitchell. This was reported widely in European newspapers such as Le Figaro, Guardian, London Times, etc. but not in the U.S. press. Dear readers, I did not make this stuff up. Besides reading Triple Cross by Peter Lance, I have read the official 9/11 Commission Report, and The New Pearl Harbor by David Ray Griffin. In addition I have relied on information from newspaper reports such as The Chicago Tribune, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, etc. In an interview with Time magazine President Bush declared the war in Iraq a “catastrophic success.” Perhaps he did not intend to use the word “catastrophic,” but he did. (If you don’t believe this look it up on the internet.) One can conclude that the war and the entire Bush presidency has been a catastrophic failure. Delbert |
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