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Although there was no peace sign present on the Walk Against Woodchips, Canberra to Tasmania long-distance walk, peace for the forests and animals of Australia was the journey's call: An end to all Native Forest woodchipping. The Aboriginal flag was carried from the Canberra Aboriginal Tent Embassy to the site of the proposed pulpmill of Tasmania, and presented then at the concluding Sacred Fire Ceremony, to the Elder of the Palawa people who lit the fire. The walk also raised awareness about the ongoing struggle of Australia's Aboriginal Peoples and the current Government policies oppressing them.
The journey was walked, without stepping into a vehicle at all, by a mother and daughter from Canberra. Clover, 7, also sometimes rode her bike or had bike ride lifts from friends. They averaged 20kms a day, with rest stops every 5th day, and completed the journey in 3 months and 4 days. Two rivers were crossed, one was swum, and the last, kayaked, to enable the walkers to stand on the site of the proposed pulpmill. (Bass Strait was navigated by ferry).
The media afforded the issue some coverage and the walkers found themselves on TV, radio and in many papers. Everyday saw them talking to more people along the way, and several large events, concerts and fundraisers were organised in aid of the forest activists in Tasmania (and in other Australian forests under threat) who fight for the forests everyday".
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