Gaza War Protest, UC - 01/16/2009

Navigation Bar Submit Feedback    The IJCP sent me an email outlining all the actions that were scheduled for cancelled because of the bad weather. There were two that I wanted to attend. One was the Iraq war protest that takes place every third Friday and the other one was a new Gaza War protest at UC. I got hold of Jon Blickenstaff, right side in the picture, to see if he wanted to go and he said yes so I told him I would be at his house at 4pm and we would go together.

   There was no one at the Iraq war protest so we decided to just head up to the Gaza war protest at UC. When we got there no one was visible but we decided to do it ourselves since we were there anyway.

   When we approached the protest area another fellow, Hugh, right in the picture, came us to greet us. Three!!!

   Jon was holding my REMEMBER RACHE CORRIE sign when I took the picture. I got it back and we just faced the road, each with a sign. A lady stopped and asked who Rachel Corrie was. I told her Rachel's story and she seemed moved. Good!

   About the time Hugh, Jon and I were complaining about the organizers not even being there we were approached by two women and a man who were the organizers!!! They immediately doubled our presense and we started getting a lot of horn music! At least we felt we were getting the word out.

   It was afterall about 7 degrees. COLD!!! Can't really blame folks for staying in.

   One of the organizers told us that last week, their first, there were 60 to 70 people and the had a real good rally!

   Still we were getting a lot of horns and a lot of thumbs up from people walking past us on the sidewalk!

   We were joined by another young lady, second from the right and that brought our total to 7!!!

   This rally will be held every Friday 5pm to 6pm until the Gaza war is over.

   Try to join us if you can.

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