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Our rest day was spent like many other rest day’s laundries and such. There has been a walking tour organized for us the walking tour will take us on Falls road were the murals are. Our guide for today is Sean we couldn’t ask for a better guide. The first stop is a look back at Divis Tower were until 2005 the top two floors were occupied by the British army who used their position for surveillance of the local community.
Then off to St. Comgall’s School, Murals International Wall depicts conflicts from Ireland and around the world in which people have particular sympathies.
Then to Falls Remembrance Garden and the Bobby Sands Mural the Clonard Monastery It host an annual Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help for nine days every June with ten Masses attended by 20,000 people each day. It was also a venue for secret talks in the run up to the IRA cessation of 1994 and so much more.
We finished up at Culturlann McAdam O Fiaich Belfast’s only Irish arts and cultural center. It’s located in a former Presbyterian church. Several Irish language organizations are based here including Raidio Failte, a local Irish language station.
After the tour some of us took the Black Cabs back to the city center then buses back to the Friends House and some of us just decided to walk so we could see as much of Belfast as we could. Tomorrow will be a big day again because we are walking to Storemont.
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