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Today is truly our last walking day in Ireland. We packed up because we are moving to a new location tonight so that tomorrow we can catch the bus to the ship that will carry us to Scotland.
Today we are walking 5 miles from the center of Belfast out to Storemont. We arrived at the front gates around 10:30 – 10:45. When you get to the front gates you still have about ¾ of a mile before you get to the actual building.
At he top of the hill two members of Sein Finn greeted us one was the Environmental Spokesperson. They took us inside and through security then downstairs to the cafeteria for tea and coffee and anything else we wanted really. Then back upstairs to a meeting room were we were given the opportunity to speak to the environmental spokesperson and tell him about the stories we have herd along the way about Sellafield and how its effecting people on the coast of Ireland Cancer rates, Down Syndrome and legitimate concerns’ about what happens if there is a accident at the plant the Irish sea already being the most polluted body of water in the world.
He listened and took notes and seemed legitimately concerned. He was the only one that had time to spend with us their were a lot of meetings happening today and we were happy that some one did take the time to meet with us. About halfway through the meeting Mark McGinnis peeked his head in to say hi and congratulate us on completing the Ireland section of the walk.
After we left we walked down the hill and about half way down we had a picnic lunch on the lawn. Then headed for the bus stop. We all jumped on the bus and headed for the top it was a double decker. We took the bus into town and had to walk about a half mile to our new overnight were we will continue our discussion about what’s going to happen at Faslane. Today we lose 3 walkers Jeff, Gerti and Jim but we are picking up more when we get to Scotland.
Thanks Ireland
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