Journey For World Peace
In Honor of Elaine "Woody" Swartz
May 1 - June 15, 2004
Sally Allen - 03/11/2004

   To all my friends in solidarity -

   Beginning May 1, 2004, I will be making a pilgrimage for world peace - commemorating the life and times of my mentor in the peace and justice movement, Elaine "Woody Schwartz - by walking the Santiago de Compostela - 500 miles - from the French Pyrenees, and through Basque country to Galicia - (this is a very famous pilgrimage for mostly religious pilgrims, ending at the Santaigo de Compostela cathedral in Galicia). I will be travelling with another peacemaker, Ray Hearne.

   Please email me your prayers/poems/thoughts about world peace - and those of you who knew Woody - a small anecdote/photo or memory of her on the 5th anniversary of her passing on to another life - and email them to me -

   My plan is to write these prayers on colored plastic(like Tibetan prayer flags)and attach them to my peace tunic - or if you wish you can make a special prayer/photo collage and "snail mail" them to my friend's address in North Carolina -(please email me for the address - any artwork must be waterproof,(or in a plastic covering) and be easily attached to an article of clothing). Also, donations to my walk will be greatly appreciated. This will be a demanding journey - if you wish to know more, please Goggle "Santiago de Compostela" or "Camino de Compostela".

   I am dedicated to my life as a radical peacemaker, this walk is an extension of my belief people can make a difference in realigning this country's priorities - from a wartime agenda to one of peace! Originally, we were going to join another peacewalk in Japan, but decided for a variety of reasons to walk in Spain.

   I will be communicating more about our personal experiences leading up to this epic walk,and hope to hear from you some suggestions on how best to communicate with each one of you -

Yours in peace - Sally Allen


Update On The Peace Pligrimage

Tales of the Camino Espanana 2004

Walk to the end of the world
