Journey For World Peace
Tales of the Camino Espanana
Sally Allen - 05/26/2004

   There is so much to tell, little time -

   Each day begins the same, waking up in a dorm between 5 and 6AM,zippers, rustling of plastic bags, slow trudging towards the toilets, greetings in many languages , slowly bringing together one?s rucksacks, donning of hats, filling water bottles, walking out of the alberge into (hopefully) the rising sun of a new day. Rainy cold days are hard but get better, and soon one is walking in the wonderful landscape which is Spain.

   Then the long walk, sometimes in very remote areas, alone with another, or a group, most prefer to walk alone with their thoughts their dreams, taking in the countryside, heading for the next albergue -

   That afternoon, after walking up and down hills, or along lanes, in forests, up and down mountains, on fascinating roads leading to incredible vistas, sometimes hot sun beating mercilessly, othertimes freezing cold winds, what am I doing this for? And the answer comes, peace pace, pax, shalom, salom, this radical idea gives each day context.

   At the albergue in the evening, spontaneous groups form, people rejoice at seeing another again after a long absence, or form new coaltions. Food, if not provided by the Refugio, is shared among all, with plenty of vinho tinto. The best lodging is donitivo, where dinner and breakfast are generously provided to the clambering exhausted peregrinos.

   Today is a rest day for me in Leon Spain, a wonderful city with a magnificent Cathedral and very nice people. I resisted the urge this morning to join my fellow walkers out of Leon to the next destination, recently I have had tendonitis in my feet and legs, which is very debilitating. After visting the clinic, I see why others just put up with their ailments. But the goal is to finish the Camino after more than half the way to Santiago. Many more joining each day as the pace intensifies, the earlier one leaves, the better chances of getting a bed, a shower and perhaps a cooked meal in the evening.

   So to all mes amigos, my wish to you is to think peace, become the change you wish to see in the world, most of all be very very good to yourselves, love and cherish your friends and loved ones, and if you have a spare minute, drop me a line - I will pick up at the next stop along the way.

Much love


Update On The Peace Pligrimage

Tales of the Camino Espanana 2004

Walk to the end of the world

