Journey For World Peace
Walk To The End Of The World
Sally Allen - 06/20/2004

   Greetings to all my great friends everywhere.

   Finally completed my peacewalk, walked from Santiago to Finesterre, and the Atlantic Ocean. Was a 90 kilometer march to the ocean over very rugged terrain, with many long miles over steep mountains, no servicios (meaning few bars or places to get water) finally we reached the sea and I was so happy to have come from the Pyrenees to the ocean! Over 900 kilometers in all!

   The trek to Finesterre was culminated in the burning of all the peace messages, with about 10 friends who also shared in the ceremony. I will try at the very least to get to you or post on the Internet the photo of all of us at this very touching ceremony. This, by the way, is a tradition at the Cape, that all pilgrims burn some item of clothing shoes or paper which signifies the end of the journey. We celebrated afterwards with a picnic near the lovely village overlooking the fishing harbor. I felt all of you were with me as I burned the messages, it was a very special moment for world peace.

   I am now staying with another pilgrim in Santiago, leaving tomorrow for Barcelona, trying to make lodging arrangements with an American living in Barcelona, whom I met along the Way. Also having to adjust from rucksack and sleepěng bag to a bolsa (carryon) and replacing clothes, etc. that have been thoroughly trashed over the past two months.

   Now on with my journey, I will hope to meet up with others in Barcelona who have walked the Camino. I am fit and in very good health, the vegetarian food in Spain consists mainly of salads and very overcooked vegetables. I do not understand why the Spanish are not more creative with vegetables when we passed so many wonderful organic gardens during our walk. Will keep you posted from time to time on the rest of my journey, must now visit the Museo for the Peregrinos with my friend.

   In Spain all the universities offer intensive summer courses in Spanish for free, if I can find accommodation I will go for it! Expect to be in Finland mid-July to meet up with Susanna.

Love peace and a big hug to all
Peace Vagabond Sally


Update On The Peace Pligrimage

Tales of the Camino Espanana 2004

Walk to the end of the world

